New Year Greetings from Arden

January 3, 2014
Dear Singers:
Happy New Year! I hope you had a restful holiday and are ready to start the New Year with vigor and enthusiasm. I am looking forward to hearing you sing, the prospect of your continued growth, beginning new repertoire and polishing existing songs and arias.
Please remember the Studio illness policy, and refrain from coming to a lesson if you are ill, or think you might be coming down with an illness. Although this is not easy for me to do, if you tell me that you have a sore throat, for example, when you are in the studio, I will ask you to leave. You will be charged for the lesson.
However, I will not charge for even a late-notification illness cancellation, as I understand that sometimes an illness may come on suddenly, and unfortunately, just before a scheduled lesson.
I trust that my students would never take advantage of this opportunity to cancel late, using it only to protect my health and the health of anyone who is in the Studio, as well as for you to spend time recuperating.
If you are forced to cancel the day of your lesson, please CALL my cell phone and leave a message: 415-713-8167. Texts can be an unreliable means of communication, I have found. Although I do not answer the phone while I am teaching, I will check it for messages if a student has not arrived.
With all this said, I hope you stay healthy! I reiterate that zinc lozenges taken at the first sign of a sore throat will help reduce the severity of the cold, and saline nasal sprays are a good preventative as well. Please speak to me about this if you have any questions, as I use a daily saline nasal spray, and zinc lozenges at the first sign of a cold.
Also, a reminder about payments: in an ongoing effort to ease Nancy’s bookkeeping tasks, and to keep accounts current, we request payment either in advance, or at the time of the lesson. The payment box is conveniently located on the round table by the Studio’s sliding glass door. Envelopes are only necessary for cash payments.
Thank you for your understanding and support. I am looking forward to working with you toward our mutual goals this coming year!
As ever, yours in song,