About Me

I’ve taught private voice for forty-five years, including nine years on the Preparatory and Adult Extension Faculty at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Following a Bachelor of Arts in Music from CSU Chico, I received an MA in Music/Vocal Performance from SFSU. I completed my studies at Dominican University, with a Graduate Certificate in Education, a teaching credential, and a CLAD certification for second language learners.

Early in my career, I conducted with the San Francisco Girls Chorus, having studied choral conducting in college, another facet of professional music making that I enjoy immensely. I also mentor young teachers new to the field.
I sang with West Coast opera companies, including Pocket Opera and Marin Opera, was an Apprentice Artist

at the Santa Fe Opera, performed solo and ensemble vocal recitals in many venues, and won numerous vocal competition awards, including Regional Finalist of the Metropolitan Opera Council Awards and Finalist Merola Opera Program. I’ve been a member of NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) both nationally and locally since 1984.

Taking the Stage!